
Symbol: Sarcophagus or Pomegranite

Apéthanta is the goddess of the underworld, overseeing funeral rites and the dispensation of spirits in the afterlife. She is a feared god and it is considered rude to mention her name within a home or worse yet, swear by her.

The cult of Apéthanta collect bodies to both inter and examine, preying especially on those who cannot afford a proper burial for loved (or perhaps, not so loved) ones. The mummification of the kings of old was often done in veneration of Apéthanta and in some traditions she is goddess of the undead.

The stories of Apéthanta are numerous and some contradictory. She is one of the oldest gods worshiped by humans and sometimes is still included among the gods honored at harvest time.

See also: Gods, Isle of the Abbey

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